Fixed configuration menu display management typos and list label issues Fixed texture path issue in planetarium Add tempering recipe for Ghorbash’s Ancestral Axe Sorted Quests in Creation Kit Object Window (Developer quality of life, no gameplay impact) Edited out repeated “We’ll start building right away” line for Professor Marassi in the Branching Out Quest. Added Picky’s Beacon and Resonator to the Tools of the Trade quest Updated Moonpath’s player dialogue for knocking over the pillar bridge Made Philter of the Phantom display accept the original item as well as the replica Finders Keepers can now use items from Skyrim Unique Treasures and BadGremlin’s collectable mods, if they are installed. - Rebuilt Latoria’s “One Man’s Junk” quest and Auryen’s “Finders Keepers” quest to be truly radiant.Finders Keepers now also gives the name of the location if possible.If you are having this problem, updating to V19.3.05 will solve it. NOTE: There was an issue concerning Mannequins during the previous versions of V19.3 which caused the male/female swapped mannequins to both be enabled at once.

Riften is based on Housecarl being enabled because it's handled totally different from all the other holds Optimized banner displays for Thane to opperate on Jarl relationship status instead of get out of jail free card (which goesĪway). Added missing replica recipes for red eagles fury, necromancer's dagger, Mhaznier, and blade of sacrifice Rather than EVERY time it recieves an item
#Shattered legacy vahlok manual
optimized container learning script to only be called by manual activation or by sort container use Fixed learning container scripts and sort lists missing for misc container and materials container
#Shattered legacy vahlok update
Fixed issue with both male and female mannequin options enabled simultaneously after the last update Optimized KA supported mannequin handling Fixed incorrect path issue with Arkayn's Bag meshes Fixed script issue with TWR supported armory weapon rack disabling
#Shattered legacy vahlok Patch
THE PEOPLE OF SKYRIM COMPLETE LEGACY OF THE DRAGONBORN PATCH Paintings Replacer for Legacy of the Dragonborn Legacy of the Dragonborn Staff Enchanter ENB Fix Legacy of the Dragonborn - Traduzione Italiana Legacy of the Dragonborn - Czech translate - Zakladni preklad Legacy of the Dragonborn - Craftable Black Soul gems

Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery) Spanish Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery) Imperial and Leather displays Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery) - translation brazilian portuguese PT-BR REVISADO - VERSAO 19.3.06 Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery) - polish translationĭo wymagania gry potrzebna jest Oryginalna wersja modyfikacji Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery) - German Comments Requirements DLC requirements DLC nameĪirship and Archaeology Patch for Legacy of the Dragonbornĭovahcloset - Legacy of the Dragonborn Edition